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duminică, 28 februarie 2010

Dezastrul din Clile (2)

Imaginile dezastrului din Chile

Daily Bible Reading

John 5:19-29

The Authority of the Son

Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise. The Father loves the Son and shows him all that he himself is doing; and he will show him greater works than these, so that you will be astonished. Indeed, just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whomever he wishes. The Father judges no one but has given all judgment to the Son, so that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Anyone who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him. Very truly, I tell you, anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life, and does not come under judgment, but has passed from death to life.

“Very truly, I tell you, the hour is coming, and is now here, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For just as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself; and he has given him authority to execute judgment, because he is the Son of Man. Do not be astonished at this; for the hour is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and will come out—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.

Daily Buddhist Wisdom

In meditation, don't expect anything.
Just sit back and see what happens.

Treat the whole thing as an experiment.
Take an active interest in the test itself, but don't get distracted by your expectations about the results.

For that matter, don't be anxious for any result whatsoever. (Bhante Henepola Gunaratana)

Duminica slabanogului

28 D Sf. Sfinţit Mc. Nestor; Sf. Cuv. Vasile Mărturisitorul;

† Sf. Cuv. Ioan Casian Romanul şi Gherman din Dobrogea

Duminica a II-a din Post (a Sfântului Grigorie Palama); Ap. Evrei 1, 10-14; 2, 1-3 şi al Sfântului: Evrei 7, 26-28; 8, 1-2; Ev. Marcu 2, 1-12 (vindecarea slăbănogului din Capernaum) şi a Sfântului: Ioan 10, 9-16; glas 5, voscr. 5

La Sfanta Liturghie de astazi ni s-a vorbit despre slabanogul adus de prietenii sai in Capernaum. Venise Iisus in aceasta localitate si se adunase foarte multa lume. Ca sa ajunga la Iisus si sa se lecuiasca, slabanogul a fost purtat pe targa de prietenii sai, urcat pe casa in care se afla Mantuitorul, bagat inauntru printr-o gaura facuta in acoperis. Vazandu-le credinta, Iisus i s-a adresat slabanogului "Fiule, fie-ti iertate toate pacatele". Dar in casa aceea erau cativa care au gandit, cu ce drept iarta acesta pacatele, cand singurul care are acest drept este Dumnezeu. Iisus stiind gandurile lor le-a spus: ce e mai bine spus Iertate-ti sunt pacatele, sau "Ia-ti patul tau si du-te acasa"? Si ca sa le arate ca Fiul Domnului are puterea sa ierte pacatele pe pamant le-a aratat si semnul fizic al acestei iertari. I s-a adresat slabanogului, ia-ti patul tau si pleaca si intoarce-te acasa. Lumea prezenta l-a preamarit zicand ca niciodata nu au vazut o asemenea minune.

Preotul nostru paroh ne-a facut paralela cu slabanogul de la Vitezda. Acel om nu avea prieteni care sa-l poarte prin acoperis, de aceea a stat 38 de ani pe marginea scaldatoarei asteptand sa fie mantuit. Si s-a mantuit dupa ce singurul sau prieten, Iisus l-a facut sanatos. Cei 38 de ani nu inseamna ca Dumnezeu nu si-a atintit ochii asupra acelui bolnav. A fost nevoie de suferinta sa, de sacrificiul sau, de mantuirea sa pentru ca cei prezenti sa inteleaga puterea lui Dumnezeu.

Pilda de astazi ma indeamna sa ma gandesc la prietenie si sa remarc cat de putini prieteni am. Nu cred ca am patru prieteni care sa-mi vina in ajutor si sa ma poarte pe brate in fata lui Iisus. E pacat si vina este a mea pentru ca nu cultiv adevarata prietenie. Sunt insingurata si retrasa, iar asta sigur il supara pe Dumnezeu.

Ne-a mai spus parintele astazi sa nu invocam lipsa timpului. Nu ne rugam pentru ca nu avem timp. Nu mergem la biserica pentru ca nu avem timp. S-ar putea sa vi se dea atata timp incat sa nu aveti cu ce sa il umpleti, a spus preotul, facand referire la acel slabanog care nu se putea misca si care depindea de cei din jurul sau.

Si ne-a mai vorbit parintele despre faptele bune pe care ar trebui sa le facem neconditionat. Pentru ca iubirea este cel mai scump dar pe care il luam si il dam. Nu ne costa nimic sa fim buni, nu ne costa nimic sa ajutam pe cineva in nevoie.

M-au curatat lacrimile de la finalul predicii.

sâmbătă, 27 februarie 2010

8 Ways to Recognize Archangel Michael

Michael is Earth’s representative of the all-encompassing strength of the Divine. Michael lends you support, courage, and confidence. He’ll boost your resolve to make healthy changes, as well as guide you to new opportunities and help you heal from past experiences.

If you reach out to Archangel Michael, how do you know that your communication is coming from God and the angels? The style of true Divine guidance is very different from that of the ego or imagination. There are definite signs that reveal whether you are communicating with Archangel Michael.
In this gallery, explore eight ways to know for certain Archangel Michael is guiding you.

Saint Michael the Archangel, Powerful Spirit of Truth
Take my hand and lead me to Divine Truth.
Protect me from all the evil in the world.
Guard me and compensate for all my weaknesses.
Change, bless, and restore the consequences of all my mistakes.
Carry me on the wings of your love and might to the Throne of God and pray to Him with me forever.


How High Is Your Self Esteem?

Are you your own cheerleader or your worst enemy? Your sense of self-worth and what you think about yourself determines a great many things. It shapes how you act and react, how others treat you, and what kind of people show up in your life. What’s your self-esteem quotient? Take this quiz and find out.

Povestea scorpionului (Hindu)

A yogi (Hindu teacher) was sitting on the bank of the Ganges River and saw a scorpion floating in the water.

He reached out his hand to rescue the scorpion and was stung by it.
He reached out again and was stung again.
He reached out a third time and was stung yet again.

A passerby yelled at the yogi, "Fool! Why do you keep trying to rescue this scorpion whose only gratitude is to sting you?"

The yogi replied, "Just because it is the nature of the scorpion to sting, why should I change my nature which is to help?"

Cele mai puternice cutremure

Cele mai puternice cutremure din secolul XX si inceputul secolului XXI in lume, masurate la scara magnitudinii de moment:

•31 ianuarie 1906 - un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 8,8 grade a lovit coastele Columbiei si Ecuadorului, provocand valuri tsunami care au ucis in jur de 1.000 de oameni.

•4 noiembrie 1952 - peste 2.300 de morti - bilantul unui cutremur de 9 grade care a lovit Peninsula Kamceatka din Siberia si a provocat valuri tsunami resimtite pana in Chile si Peru.

•9 martie 1957 - un cutremur de 8,6 grade loveste insulele Andreanof din Islanda, generand valuri tsunami, fara insa a face victime.

•22 mai 1960 - un seism cu magnitudinea de 9,5 grade, cel mai puternic inregistrat vreodata, a lovit Chile, provocand moartea a 5.700 de oameni. Valurile tsunami generate de acelasi seism au ucis alti 131 de oameni in Japonia si 61 in Hawaii.

•27 martie 1964 - un cutremur de 9,2 grade, produs in sudul Alaskai si urmat de valuri tsunami, a ucis peste 100 de oameni.

•4 februarie 1965 - un seism cu magnitudinea de 8,7 grade a lovit insulele Aleutine, din nordul Pacificului, fara a provoca victime.

•26 decembrie 2004 - cutremurul care a facut cele mai multe victime. Seismul de 9,1 grade, produs in largul insulei Sumatra, din Oceanul Indian, a provocat un tsunami devastator, care a maturat coastele a opt state asiatice. Bilantul - 220.000 de morti, dintre care in jur de 168.000 in Indonezia.

•28 martie 2005 - un seism de 8,6 grade a lovit insula Nias, din largul Sumatrei, provocand moartea a 900 de oameni.

•12 mai 2008 - cutremur de 7,8 grade in provincia Sichuan, din China. Seismul a provocat moartea a peste 70.000 de oameni si a lasat in jur de 5 milioane de chinezi fara locuinte.

•12 ianuarie 2010 - un seism cu magnitudinea de 7,2 grade a lovit Haiti, lasand in urma peste 200.000 de morti si peste 300.000 de raniti.

Cutremur de 8,8 in Chile. In Romania ce s-ar fi intamplat oare?

Cand am auzit dimineata ce intensitate a avut cutremurul din Chile m-am panicat. Mi-a trecut prin cap un scenariu: Romania la 8,8 grade. Ar fi ramas in picioare ceva in tarisoara asta? Casa Poporului sigur.


Idee de look pentru 8 martie

Tricou pentru 8 Martie

I feel we are poorer than the bees

Nature’s Law dictates that, in order to survive, bees must work together.
As a result, they instinctively possess a sense of social responsibility.
They have no constitution, no law, no police, no religion or moral training, but because of their nature, they labor faithfully together. Occasionally, they may fight, but in general, based on cooperation, the whole colony survives.

We human beings have a constitution, laws and a police force.

We have religion, remarkable intelligence and a heart with a great capacity for love.

We have many extraordinary qualities, but in actual practice, I think we are lagging behind those small insects.

In some respects, I feel we are poorer than the bees.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Without love we could not survive.
Human beings are social creatures, and a concern for each other is the very basis of our life together.